Guided Tour of Dunstable Priory Church

Tuesday 06th June 2023 18:00 - 19:30

We are very fortunate in having booked a guided tour of Dunstable Priory Church on Tuesday 6th June. The tour starts at 6 pm. Hugh Garrod the Church Historian will be our guide and his tour of the inside of the church will take about an hour, if the weather permits Hugh will take us around the grounds and show us the results of the resistivity survey showing where the priory once stood. This work was carried out by the Manshead Society using the same TR/CIA Resistance meter as our society At the end of the tour we will be able to get a cup of tea from the Priory House Heritage Centre.

Numbers for the tour are limited so please advise the ADALHS Secretary if you intend to come along and provide a contact telephone number for the day. Open to both ADALHS Society members and BLHA members.