About Us
Greensand Country is a beautiful and loved landscape. It is defined by the Greensand Ridge, a band of higher ground stretching from Leighton Buzzard to Gamlingay, which rises out of the surrounding vales to create a locally unique environment. The area contains all of Bedfordshire’s remaining heathland, more than half of its woodland and 29 historic parklands. It is a landscape rich in wildlife and cultural heritage, with its own special qualities and sense of place. A ‘green oasis’ of peace and quiet, rolling countryside and breath-taking views. A place where people feel able to slow down, unwind and connect with nature. Somewhere to escape urban life, breathe easy and feel uplifted. Come and discover it for yourself!
The Greensand Country Landscape Partnership is where Greensand Country began. In January 2013, a National Lottery Heritage Funded Programme was established to deliver over 100 projects, helping to raise awareness of the heritage value of the landscape and to reverse the gradual decline in the distinct landscape character of this beautiful and loved place. Led by The Greensand Trust and Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity, the vision was for Greensand Country to be a living and working landscape that is cherished by present and future generations. Throughout the programme a number of major milestones were achieved, from creating new walking, cycling and horse riding routes, to rebuilding sandstone structures, training apprentices in heritage and landscape skills and the inception of the ever-popular Greensand Country Festival.
The Greensand Country Landscape Partnership is now in its post-Lottery phase hosted by The Greensand Trust. Working together with partners and wider stakeholders, the Partnership is working on projects across a number of themes:
Nature Recovery
Enjoyment and Wellbeing
Local Action on Climate Change
Rural Economy and Sustainable Tourism